Experts on autism and Asperger's Syndrome will speak about biomedical and educational interventions with a focus on ways to improve the quality of life for the affected individuals and their families/caregivers. There is a wide range of speakers including Temple Grandin, Raun Kaufman, Dan Rossignol, David and Mark Geier, and Doreen Granpeesheh.
The keynote presentation will undoubtedly be controversial, at least on the internet, if not at the actual conference. The address by David Geier and Dr. Mark Geier is titled "Epidemiology and other evidence on what caused the autism epidemic and new treatment protocol for autism".
Dr Doreen Granpeesheh, PhD, BCBA, honored recently by the Autism Society of America as "Professional of the Year", will provide a two part presentation on the conference theme "Bringing Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy and Biomedical Treatments Together". The conference website profiles Dr. Granpeesheh's impressive experience and background in studying and treating Autism Spectrum Disorders including her role as Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) and more than 25 years of study and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In a press release issued yesterday "USAAA announced that a major medical announcement will be presented at the conference regarding a study on autistic children that showed significant clinical improvements in many core areas including language, socialization, cognitive awareness, and decreased irritability. This intervention has been used with clinical success in several other chronic neurological conditions including cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, closed head injury, and stroke."
The press release does not identify the intervention referred to but there have been ongoing clinical studies of HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment) which has been used to treat all the above injuries so my otherwise uninformed and purely speculative guess is that the announcement will involve results of an HBOT clinical study.
Hopefully the bold promise of the press release is matched by the actual results in the study and, if confirmed, by future successful application of the intervention be it HBOT or otherwise.
Are you starting to embrace quackery now, Harold?
Wanna bet that the trial is not randomized and does not include a control group?
I am not embracing anything Joseph. I do not even know with certainty what the intervention in question will be, I simply made a guess. But whether it is HBOT or any other intervention I will look at the results, and wait for professional discussion of the results, before jumping to conclusions - for or against.
PubMed search for "hyperbaric autism" produces just 2 results, both by the same author (Rossignol) and in the same (in)famous "Medical Hypotheses" journal.
Why don't people complete and publish their studies in a peer-reviewed journal before speaking to the public?
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