For those of us who have been advocating for, fighting for is a more accurate description, effective evidence based interventions for autistic children in New Brunswick one of the great successes has been to see the development of the UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training Program. The UNB-CEL AIT has achieved national recognition. When Conor was diagnosed, originally with PDD-NOS, subsequently with Autism Disorder, there were almost no properly trained interventionists in the province to help. Now agencies exist in all major centers in New Brunswick to provide pre-school intervention, staffed by people who have received quality training from UNB-CEL.
First steps have also been taken to train Teacher Aides and Resource Teachers to work in our schools as Autism Support Workers and Clinical Supervisors. The UNB-CEL provides the assurances of quality and integrity in the training and testing of candidates that are not otherwise available in Atlantic Canada and that are infinitely superior to some of the shoddy, internet training "alternative solutions" proposed by those with vested, proprietary, interests in promoting cheap, quick fix "solutions" to New Brunswick's autism education crisis.
The UNB-CEL AIT is a solid step forward in helping our autistic children. This K-12 program will help those, like my son Conor, for whom the pre-school programs did not exist. Parents fought hard to establish this program and to ensure that penny wise pound foolish public decision makers understood the importance and value of this program. Ultimately two persons deserve full credit for this program. Ann Higgins of UNB-CEL who has the business and organizational savvy to put this program together year after year. And above all Professor Emeritus (Psychology)and Child Clinical Psychologist Paul McDonnell whose ideas led to the creation of the UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training program and the individual who has educated so many parents, professionals and public servants in New Brunswick about autism and effective evidence based interventions for autism.
Autism Intervention Training Program (K - 12) 2007-08
This program is intended for those in the K-12 public school system.
The deadline for applications to CEL is June 12, 2007
Download the Application Package here (PDF format)
Program Delivery
The program is delivered through face to face teaching integrated with video conferencing, web-based training, and hands-on practicum. The guiding design principle of this blended model is to provide an instructionally sound, flexible, user-friendly teaching and learning solution.
For applicants to be considered for the program, they must be available to attend all components of the program including theory (October and November), workshops, and practicum sessions. As this is a distance program, participants must have access to a computer, the Internet, and a printer.
There will be three (3) practicum locations this year: Moncton and Fredericton for English, French site yet to be determined. Participants will be assigned to the location they request on the application where possible. Travel may be required, as seating is limited.
Resource Teachers are required to complete/attend:
* All sessions of the core theory,
* Three (3) weeks of core practicum,
* Advanced theory readings and on-line discussions,
* Two (2) weeks of advanced practicum, and
* Two (2) professional development workshops.
Teacher Assistants are required to complete:
* All sessions of the core theory,
* Three (3) weeks of core practicum, and
* One (1) professional development workshop.
Applicants will be required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor and a reference letter from a person familiar with their work with children. Applicants will also be required to provide CEL with current criminal record information.
Resource Teachers
This course consists of theory, a core practicum, an advanced practicum, advanced readings and on-line discussions, and specialized professional development workshops. Several topics covered during the training include: How to Supervise and Consult, Professionalism, Program Writing, and Assessment Tools and Rating Scales.
Applicants must have:
* A Master's degree in a Education or in health care profession such as psychology or speech and language pathology; and
* A minimum of two years experience working with children or youth with developmental delays.
Teacher Assistants
This course, which consists of a series of lectures, a core practicum and specialized professional development workshops, covers topics such as: Teaching Social Skills, Prompting and Shaping, Self Help Skills, Communication, Data Collection, Reinforcement, and Function of Behaviours.
Successful completion of this course will lead to more effective practices while working with children diagnosed with autism, increased job satisfaction and further employment opportunities in the field of autism.
Applicants should have:
* A post-secondary diploma related to early childhood education (ECE), two years of post-secondary studies in a related field or equivalent; and
* A minimum of one year of working with children or youth with developmental delays.
The Autism Intervention Training Program will be offered in October 2007 through to May 2008. A detailed schedule will be provided upon acceptance to the program, in June 2007.
Download the Application Package here (PDF format)
Contact Information
For additional information about this program, please contact:
College of Extended Learning UNB
P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3
Telephone: 506 458-7920
Toll Free: 1 866 599-4646
Fax: 506 453-3572
Web Site: cel.unb.ca
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