3:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Continental B
AUT/OBM; Service Delivery
BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Eric Larsson, Ph.D., BCBA
Intensive Early Intervention: Organizational Design, Evaluation and Management of Comprehensive Systems in Diverse International Locations
Chair: Eric Larsson (Lovaas Institute Midwest)
The applied behavior analysis of Intensive Early Intervention for children with autism is conducted at many different levels of resolution. All levels of ABA are necessary to effectively manage the best possible outcomes for the greatest number of children. In order to build a sustainable program, numerous issues in accountability and management must be addressed. This symposium will present the results of four different organized systems for delivering and managing treatment efficacy. The management procedures of the organizations will include the molecular levels of ABA (single-subject analyses of all facets of treatment; component and package analyses of all facets of treatment; analysis of maintenance of treatment effects; analysis of the limits of generality of the treatment); the intermediate analysis of staff training, parent training, consumer responsiveness, and the organizational management necessary to sustain the treatment; and long-term traditional epidemiological analyses of consumer validity, cost-effectiveness and social validity to provide overall guidance to organizational design. Cultural and language issues will also be addressed. Current results of these organized systems will be presented.
St. Amant Applied Behavior Analysis Program: Publicly-Funded Centralized Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention. DANIELA FAZZIO (University of Manitoba/St. Amant) and Angela Cornick (St. Amant, Canada)
Abstract: The St. Amant ABA Program Preschool Services has operated since September 2002, serving 58 children in a home-based model (36 weekly hours, one-to-one, 3 years) funded by the Province of Manitoba to eligible children (diagnosis of Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, and PDD-NOS, under 5-years-old at intake, resident of Manitoba). Transition to group settings with program staff is planned based on client characteristics and school entry approach. The Program adopted the ABLLS® as a curriculum guide and evaluates group outcomes yearly (normative and criterion assessments of development, language, cognitive, adaptive skills and challenging behaviors, discrimination abilities, autism characteristics, and ABLLS skill acquisition.) Treatment is based on ABA principles and procedures with emphasis on discrete- trials teaching, is designed and supervised by ABA consultants (caseloads of 8) with graduate training in behavior analysis. Procedures are individualized, based on a standard package for skill acquisition and functional assessment and communication training for behavior problem reduction. Senior yutors (caseload of 4 clients) assist in training and supervision of tutors (caseloads of 2 clients) and parents, data collection (trial-by-trial) and summary. Overall supervision is provided by BCBA and licensed psychologist.
Meeting the Challenge of Organizational Development in Diverse Language and Cultural Contexts in Spain. VICTOR RODRIGUEZ GARCIA (Fundacion Planeta Imaginario) and Melissa J. Gard (Lovaas Institute Midwest)
Abstract: One of the challenges in replicating Lovaas’ 1987 outcome study is to translate the methods and evaluation procedures into other languages. This presentation will describe the organization and results of a privately-funded clinical intervention program in Catalonia, Spain, where there are actually two very different languages in predominance. This organization has been in the process of development for 14 years, and has met several challenges required to translate social and language norms, methods, and measurements into these other languages and cultures. In addition, the need for developing a comprehensive organization, in the face of little to no formal funding have also been addressed. Critical demands for treatment integrity will be reviewed, as well as systems that are being developed to meet these demands. The overall organizational design will be presented, as well as direct clinical data on short-term gains made by children in the program. The presentation will conclude with a focus on the directions of further development.
From Zero to 300: Development of a Comprehensive Preschool Intervention Program from “Scratch” in the Province of New Brunswick. PAUL M. MCDONNELL, Barbara D’Entremont, and Amanda Morgan (University of New Brunswick)
Abstract: This presentation describes the establishment of a preschool intervention in a largely rural Canadian province. When the initiative first began, there were virtually no services and no trained therapists or Clinical Supervisors anywhere within the province. After four years, there are now more than 300 trained therapists working throughout the province. The process of how supervisors and therapists were trained and how services were delivered on a province-wide basis is discussed. Special challenges included delivery of services in New Brunswick’s two official languages (French and English), delivery of services to First Nations children, and delivery of services to rural settings. Furthermore, a sample of outcomes from our first year of the province wide intervention is described. These data allow for the comparison of children in day care settings receiving eclectic programs with children in intensive behavior intervention. Finally, current initiatives to extend intervention services to school-aged children are examined.
Organization and Evaluation of a Responsive, Quality-Focused System for the Delivery of Intensive Early Intervention. ERIC V. LARSSON and Kara L. Riedesel (Lovaas Institute Midwest)
Way to go. I was not aware of this presentation. The efforts of many here in NB have worked out for the better.
Eric Larrson is very good. The Language Matrix, which the Lovaas Institute is now mainly using as their curriculum, is very comprehensive and very well thought out. It is just unbelievable to me that people still are not convinced that children on the autism spectrum, no matter where they fall on the spectrum, need very intensive language training as well as, of course, other domains, but language is so important.
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