The "autism is beautiful, autism is a culture" ideologues of the Neurodiversity cult don't say much when autistic children go missing or otherwise place themselves in harm's way. Of course common sense and extremist ideology rarely go hand in hand. And it is hard to blather about the "joy of autism" when an autistic child who can not speak has gone missing.
Thankfully this story had a happy ending and the girl is safe at home with her parents.
Whether or not you approve of this comment I want to give you my very different perspective of the neurodiversity community.
Please do not claim that other groups have a lack of compassion.
The neurodiversity community reacted when others did not when Abubakar Nadama died during chelation procedure.
As the neurodiversity community is built alot on autistic identity, news about offences, especially abuse, against autistics get alot of attention in their media - I haven't looked much into how other groups view such offences, so if I ever were to comment on it I would probably point out that I've heard that some of the supporters of Autism Speaks have shown that they sympathize with parents who have killed their autistic children - which I think you would agree would hardly be representative.
No, the neurodiversity community is hardly cultist, we are barely able to organize offline. I guess we give a bad impression from some strong-opiniated online crusaders giving a bad impression on the rest of us. Their views are hardly representative.
Guess you consider me one of the cultists... I do not really see what you wanna say here.
Anyways, here are the general basic views of the neurodiverse movement.
1.More funds to help autistics
2.All the different colours of humans individual personalities are beautiful, and a joy indeed.
An autistic persons uniqueness is as beuatiful as every persons uniqueness? yes
Drop the fundraising for "charities" that want to "cure" personalities and redirect all that money to actually help individuals?
We all have our weaknesses and strengths that define who we are, that's really really beautiful.
Be careful to judge us, cause autism speaks is today the autism "charity" with most attention, and they DO NOT SPEND A PENNY to help autistics with their life, and that is the big reason the neurodiversity movement(s!) started. , you can discuss your problems at that forum, they wont try and hide the issues, there is a whole forum part for [support], perhaps the most active part on that forum.
ed said: "Be careful to judge us"
Who is "US" ed?
Who do you purport to speak for?
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