Even before the recent UK and Massachusetts news hit the world autism community the Autism Society of America had taken action prompted by the CDC 1 in 150 numbers. A conference scheduled by the ASA and starting today is aimed at gathering together a critical mass of participants to focus on ways to address the autism health crisis in the United States.
ASA Opens National Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders in Scottsdale, Arizona
ASA's 'Together, A Brighter Tomorrow' Conference Draws Nearly 2000
Professionals and Families to Find Solutions for Americans Living with
Autism Today
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., July 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Autism Society
of America (ASA) will gather the largest assembly of experts, families,
professionals, and individuals with autism to Arizona from July 11 to 14 at
the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale. In the wake of the CDC's finding
in February that the prevalence of autism affects approximately an average
of 1 child in every 150, ASA's 38th National Conference will bring together
top experts in education, medical treatments, behavioral therapy, family
support and services to discuss ways to handle this burgeoning national
health crisis- and how to support American families every day.
ASA's conference has 120 concurrent sessions, a Spanish-language track
and translation services, a medical education track, and presentations by
people with autism of all ages. Highlighting the conference are 4 keynote
addresses in the areas of: gastroenterological disease in autism by Dr.
Harland Winter (MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Boston), new trends in
positive behavioral therapy by Dr. Edward Carr (SUNY Stonybrook), effective
social skills by Michelle Garcia Winner (Center for Social Thinking, San
Jose) and new data on gut inflammation and autism by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
(Thoughtful House Center for Children, Austin). The Opening Session on
Thursday, July 12, 2007, will have the national anthem sung by country
music star Mark Leland, along with an announcement on joint efforts to
improve autism services by the CEOs of ASA and Easter Seals.
Additional events at the ASA Conference include a "Family Fun After
Hours" concert Thursday, July 12 at 7:30 pm featuring a concert by Mark
Leland and comedians and vocalists with autism, along with talented
parents. Tickets are $10 at the door; the event is also at the Westin
Kierland Resort in Scottsdale. The 6th Annual ASA Evening of Champions gala
honoring leaders in autism research, education and awareness, will be held
Friday, July 13 a 6 pm at the Westin Kierland Resort. Tickets are $85. This
year's honorees include author Temple Grandin, advocates Denise Resnik and
Jim Adams of Phoenix, the University of California at Davis M.I.N.D.
Institute, the Autism Research Institute, NATTAP (national network for
teachers and trainers of autism) and NARPAA (national network of
residential providers for people with autism). All proceeds from these
events will benefit ASA, ASA Greater Phoenix, and SARRC in Phoenix.
Media who would like to schedule interviews with people with autism,
families, professionals, honorees and the keynote spokesperson, please
contact Marguerite Colston at (240) 672-4734.
ASA is the largest, oldest member organization dedicated to autism in
the world. Together with 190,000 members and supporters, ASA's mission is
to improve the lives of all affected by autism -- individuals with autism,
their families and the professionals with whom they interact. For more
information on autism or ASA, visit http://www.autism-society.org or call
1.800.3AUTISM (1.800.328.8476).
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