Autism research is poised for another paradigm shift, from an irreversible condition to a treatable disease. In the revolutionary paradigm, autism is not a rare disorder with a constant rate but frequent condition with a rising incidence. It is a combination of environmental influence and genetic vulnerabilities. It is both preventable and treatable, not by any one method but by a combination of behavioral and biomedical approaches. Autistic kids are not defective, they are sick but otherwise normal kids, and thus, recoverable.
Creating a premier center for effective treatment of autism is not as simple as adding a new wing on a hospital, purchasing the latest medical technology or creating another diagnostic center.
What is needed is a revolutionary clinical effort premised on the paradigm that autism may well be a treatable and preventable disease.
I believe the University of Minnesota's proposed paradigm shift is in fact amongst the forefront of a shift that is already taking place in the Autism Knowledge Revolution; one that is happening in front of our eyes. With the inter-net's ability to make scientific research quickly and readily available and understandable by the unwashed masses, and with parents' desperately seeking to help their autistic children, all eyes will be upon the University of Minnesota and other research centers that have embraced the paradigm shift. Of course there will be those who will cling to older paradigms, including some high functioning autistic persons, some parents who have surrendered to the sweet appeal of defeat dressed as acceptance, and researchers who simply will not be able to let go of old paradigms which have served as the foundations on which their careers have been built.http://www.twincities.com/opinion/ci_6374763
As a parent of an autistic son, this was the best news I've read in weeks. Thank you.
I'd just wish to know what they mean by "preventable".
Because Down syndrome, why not treatable, IS preventable, sort of.
I really enjoy your blog. I particularly like to see this change in the research paradigm. On my blog, I have posted a review of your blog.
I am a parent of 3 children. All of my children have some sort of diagnois. My oldest daughter has Central Auditory Processing Disorder, my middle son has ADHD, and my youngest son has PDD-NOS. I personally feel they are all on varying degrees of the Autism Spectrum. Minnesota needs a center where parents like me can take their children for proper treatment.
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