Why does Minnesota have the nation's highest autism rate? City Pages looks at a study published in 2007 by Daniel Hollenbeck, the director of information technology at Thoughtful House, an autism research center in Austin, Texas who estimated that "
one in every 81 births in Minnesota is a child who will be diagnosed with autism—about twice the national average." The article points out that a Minnesota Department of Health child health epidemiologist is "leery" of the Hollenbeck estimate in the absence of a population based system at the public health level in Minnesota.
The article also features Tim Casemodel who is facing autism in Minnesota, having quit his job so that he can provide full time care to his 11 year old severely autistic son. His son makes only grunting sounds and still wears a diaper. Like so many autistic children it is a parent, in this case his father Tim, who actually sacrifices and fights for his autistic son's well being.
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