The Network of Autism Training and Technical Assistance Programs (NATTAP) and the Autism Society of America present...
First Annual International NATTAP Conference
Hosted by the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence
September 26-28, 2007
Columbus Convention Center - Columbus, OH USA
This forum will provide opportunities for professionals and parents to address international, national, state, regional, and local issues concerning current models of systems, training and technical assistance, data-based decision making, and systems-wide capacity building, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for school-age children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Empirically-validated interventions will be reviewed. PBIS models across the nation will also be highlighted.Professionals from across disciplines; state special education directors and autism specialists; influential, prominent leaders including legislators; and leaders from across the world will join us as we create a conference atmosphere that encourages networking and an exchange of ideas that will launch a new foundation for programs and services for children with ASD.Conference features include:Review of the prevalence rates of autism spectrum disorders and implications for each state
Presentation of empirically validated programs and initiatives to build capacity and increase learner outcomes
Overview of national trends and services in the field of autism
Facilitated roundtable discussions across topics
Networking opportunities across states, disciplines, and professional levels
Distribution of Technical Assistance guide
Review of National Teacher Competencies in ASD
Content areas will include:
Positive Behavior Intervention Systems Models
A Review of Systems: National, Statewide and Regional
Comprehensive Programming Instructional Techniques and Strategies
Assessment and Identification
Overview of Research in ASD
Building Communities of Practice
Credentials, Standards and Related Issues
Family systems and needs
Early Intervention Models
Transition to Adulthood
Use of Technology and Assistive Technology
Higher Education
For more information, please visit: www.ocali.org/nattap2007
Or email: Dr. Brenda Smith Myles (Conference Chair) or Jill Hudson (Conference Coordinator) at nattap@ocali.org
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