Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today's Autism Debate & Autism Awareness

The debate on Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy's private member's autism motion is scheduled to proceed today. The motion calls, as part of a national autism strategy, for amendments to the Canada Health Act in an effort to ensure availability of autism treatment services across Canada. Yesterday I speculated pessimistically on the outcome of the motion. It is inconceivable to me that the Bloc Quebecois or the Harper Conservatives would allow the motion to pass. Nonetheless Mr. Murphy is doing a great service to autistic persons and their families and caregivers. Each such debate in the House of Commons draws attention to and raises awareness of the realities of autism. Autism is and remains, despite the fantastic accomplishments of some savants and high functioning autistic persons a debilitating disorder which requires well informed, serious efforts to treat, educate and provide residential care for persons with autism.

Thank you Mr. Murphy.

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