Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bill C-304 to be debate in the House of Commons Wednesday

Charlottetown Liberal MP Shawn Murphy's private member's bill will be debated in the House of Commons tomorrow. The bill calls for development of a national autism strategy for autism treatment and amendment of the Canada Health Act to ensure autism treatment availability across Canada. This motion is different from the Scott-Stoffer motion as amended by the Conservative government in that it calls for amendment of the CHA which will almost assuredly doom it to defeat when it comes to a vote. The Bloc Quebecois members will vote against it unanimously because, in the "thinking" of the Bloquistes it is more important to argue about constitutional boundaries then take definitive steps to help children with a debilitating disorder like autism. Most Conservative members will vote the same way for similar reasons. Regardless of the outcome it will be interesting to listen to the debate.

The telecast is 5:30 EST and for those of us fortunate enough to live in the Atlantic time zone 6:30.


Bill C-304 to be debate in the House of Commons Wednesday

OTTAWA – MP Shawn Murphy’s Private Member’s Bill, C-304 An Act to provide for the development of a national strategy for the treatment of autism and to amend the Canada Health Act, will be up for its last hour of debate at second reading in the House of Commons tomorrow at 5:30pm EST (6:30 Atlantic). The debate will be carried live by CPAC.

If passed, C-304 would require the Government to table a national strategy to streamline the availability of treatment for autism spectrum disorder across the country.

Mr. Murphy is available to speak to the Media about his Private Members Bill upon request. Following the debate, transcripts of his speech will also be available.

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