Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mother of autistic child reacts to news of expelled, handcuffed student with Aspergers.

Mother of autistic child reacts to news of expelled, handcuffed student with Aspergers. From the Daily Gleaner, Fredericton New Brunswick, November 16, 2006.

Letters | Reader objects to actions taken by high school

On Oct. 27, 2006, I sat nervously watching Andy Scott speak on behalf of the thousands of autistic children across Canada fighting for their rights as Canadian citizens.

As a mother of a young autistic child, it brought tears to my eyes, and filled me with hope, and joy, that maybe, someday every province will help autistic children to the fullest of their ability.

I was so very amazed at the fact that a Grade 12 class from Leo Hayes High school, taught by a Mr. Greg Peters, took on this project, and fought so hard for this issue to be brought to the House's attention (kudos to you!).

However, the same school that prides itself in this accomplishment had a young boy handcuffed, and kicked out, a student who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome (which is a type of Autism).

Whether or not this young boy can become aggressive is not the issue.
The issue at hand is that this boy is not getting the necessary help and support that he needs to live a productive life.

The principal of Leo Hayes High School should be ashamed as this is unfair and improper treatment.
You can easily discourage a child with Autism, and I am sure that this young boy has not had an easy life, yet you kick him out of school? Handcuff him?

The school that has students who are trying to help these children? What type of an example are you setting for this Grade 12 class that worked so hard on their project, fought so hard to have everyone's voices heard?

Treatment like this is why it scares my husband and me every day to let our son enter the school system. We fear that ignorance like this will challenge his life even more.

Lisa Marie Hay

Nashwaak Village, N.B.

1 comment:

  1. Too many Irving stories...there!! I visited your site!!!
