Wednesday, November 15, 2006

'It really helps to have a teacher who knows about children with autism and how we learn.'

Autism advocates in New Brunswick have lobbied for years for autism trained Teacher Assistants and Resource Teachers to work with autistic children to allow them to participate meaningfully in the Quality Learning Agenda. Studies and arguments have been presented to politicians and civil servants to help them understand the need for autism trained personnel in the New Brunswick schools. We may be on the verge of receiving such help as recent posts have discussed. One of the most eloquent statements of the need for autism trained educational assistants that I have seen was made by a student with autism in Wales in the UK: 'It really helps to have a teacher who knows about children with autism and how we learn.'

Autism pupils' plea to education minister

Nov 15 2006

Katie Bodinger, South Wales Echo

Autistic children met Assembly Minister for Education Jane Davidson to explain what support they needed in the classroom.

The children, from Headlands School, in Penarth, spoke to AMs at the Senedd last night about what they needed for a happy learning environment, as part of the National Autistic Society's campaign to make school make sense.

Robert, one of the children speaking at the event, said: 'It really helps to have a teacher who knows about children with autism and how we learn.'

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