Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Smiles Gang: Conor and LHHS Friends Had a Blast Last Night Going to See Rio 2 in 3D

L to R: Jesse, Christian, Kristen, Conor
Photo by Phyllis Van Dine-Humble 

This is one of my new favorite pictures of Conor, far right in the picture, taken last evening as Conor and some of his Leo Hayes High School friends went to see Rio 2 in 3D. Phyllis Van Dine-Humble took this awesome shot of the gang sharing tremendous smiles and having fun before the movie.  In attendance with Conor was excellent Education Aide, Lori Fitzgerald, who helps make every experience great for Conor. 


  1. Anonymous6:37 pm

    Wow! Amazing picture. Conor made perfect eye contact and posed for the picture like a model.
    I hope he had fun.

  2. He is so handsome and he looks so happy!What a great photo Harold.
