Monday, April 28, 2014

Conor One Year Later!

Above: Conor this morning before Mom drove him to school  at the Leo Hayes High School Resource Centre.  Mom and Dad are very happy to have our Conor with us healthy and happy.  

Below: One year ago Conor was in the Intensive Care Unit of the Chalmer's Hospital for 6 days where he was unconscious for most of the first 3 days during an adverse reaction to his seizure medication at that time. We can't say thank you often enough to our family doctor and the emergency room and intensive care units at the Chalmers for giving us our Conor back.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 pm

    As one of Conor's biggest fans,
    it was a very tense moment for me as well. I'm glad to see he now full of smiles.
    Credit also goes to his brother,your wife and yourself
    for being there for Conor.
