Friday, October 11, 2013

Excellent! Chalmers ICU Team Reaches Its Funding Goal to Purchase New Patient Monitoring Equipment!

The Chalmers Foundation has officially announced that it has met its funding goal and will soon be purchasing the patient monitoring system that is instrumental in helping the Chalmers Hospital Intensive Care Unit save many lives ... including my son Conor's for which his Mom and Dad will always be grateful:

The Foundation along with the DECH Auxiliary Inc. have officially reached our $600,000 goal to support the purchase of a new monitoring system for the ICU here at the DECH!! A HUGE THANK YOU to all donors, supporters, staff and volunteers for making this a reality! We certainly would not have been able to make this possible without your help!"

Conor at the ICU surrounded by the old monitoring equipment

Conor sharing some "happy" with his Mom, months after the ICU saved his life

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