Saturday, August 17, 2013

You Can Help the Chalmers Hospital ICU Save Lives!

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Fredericton's Chalmers hospital saves lives even with vitally important monitoring equipment that is more than 10 years old.  We found out first hand how important the ICU is when our son Conor spent 6 days at the ICU with a life threatening adverse medication reaction:

Conor during his 6 day stay in the ICU

Conor, in full recovery mode, 3 months after leaving the Chalmers ICU

I understand that the Chalmers Foundation hopes to meet their target for purchasing the new monitoring equipment by the end of August.  

If you are interested in helping the ICU save lives visit the Chalmers Foundation current project page - ICU Making a Difference and contribute towards purchasing new monitoring equipment for the ICU.  

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