Tuesday, September 11, 2012

8535 Autistic New Brunswickers and the Need for NB Liberal Leadership Debates

NB Liberal Leadership Candidates

Dear Sirs

Re: Should Liberal Leadership Candidates Debate?

I would like to see a debate which included discussion of policies for autistic children and adults in New Brunswick. 

The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has recently revised its estimates of autism disorder prevalence ... it now stands at 1 in 88 persons as being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. 751,171/88 = 8535 NB'ers with autism. 

Here in NB gains were made under Premier Lord and Premier Graham in evidence based early intervention and education. Those gains are now being eroded ... rapidly eroded ... under the Alward government.

Nothing has ever been done to provide decent residential care and treatment for severely autistic adults despite a recommendation by autism expert Dr. Paul McDonnell that the government construct an autism residential care and treament facility in Fredericton near NB's autism expertise. NB currently spends hundreds of thousands to send autistic adults to Maine for residential care and treatment.

It would be very helpful if NB's Liberal leadership contenders could discuss & debate policy for NB's 8535 autistic children and adults.


Harold L Doherty Fredericton
Father of a 16 year old autistic son.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:08 am

    Harold, have you had any feedback from this letter? I would be interested in a converation and debate on this.
    Oh...hope LHHS is working ourfor Conor. For Justin it is not...again. I will be so glad to have him out of the public school system after this year.

