Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lopez-Duran Reviews Geirs' Biomarkers of Environmental Toxicity and Susceptibility in Autism

Nestor L. Lopez-Duran Ph.D., at Translating Autism, has posted a review of D Geier, J Kern, C Garver, J Adams, T Audhya, R Nataf, M Geier (2008). Biomarkers of environmental toxicity and susceptibility in autism☆ Journal of the Neurological Sciences DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2008.08.021. In Heavy metal toxicity and detoxification capacity in autism Lopez-Duran provides an objective, professional, assessment of a controversial study which avoids the rhetorical excesses of both sides of the autism-mercury war.

This recent (September 29, 2008) contribution by Lopez-Duran again confirms Translating Autism as one of the best autism blogs on the internet. In my humble opinion, Translating Autism is an excellent source of balanced, professional, autism information.

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