Friday, October 10, 2008

Autism Vote Recommendations for New Brunswick

The smart voting campaign of the Vote for Environment is also helpful for autism voting. If you want a strong federal government role in funding autism treatment in New Brunswick you will not get that from the Conservative or Green Parties. The Conservatives oppose any serious federal role in funding autism treatment and the Green Party is not seriously involved with autism issues.

Almost all Liberal and NDP MP's all supported Shawn Murphy's motion to amend the Canada Health Act to include autism treatment in Medicare.

To support a federal autism role vote for the Liberal or NDP parties whichever is stronger in your riding.

Based on data from Vote for Environment the autism vote recommendations in New Brunswick are:

Vote Liberal in all NB ridings .... except Acadie-Bathurst, Fundy Royal and New Brunswick Southwest where the NDP are stronger. In those 3 ridings vote NDP

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