Thursday, September 04, 2008

FEAT Nova Scotia Rep Details Nova Scotia's Autism Failure

FEAT Nova Scotia representative Jim Young has published a detailed indictment of Nova Scotia's autism failure. In Autism treatment still lags despite claims of progress Mr. Young describes, first hand, the realities faced by Nova Scotia families with autistic children who lack the ability to move to another province in search of treatment for their children.

It is "sad" that our province provides basically half of the hours of treatment universally recognized as best practice for children.

It is repugnant that children are in and out of the program in the blink of an eye, receiving a year or two of treatment in what should be a lifelong service; it is discriminatory and essentially a human rights violation to pick and choose a scant few of the thousands of persons with autism.


In the previously mentioned article, Health Minister Chris d’Entremont states that services for autism have grown in "leaps and bounds." Who told him that? None of the parents that I know.

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