Friday, August 15, 2008

Autism Book Breaks Neurodiversity Taboos

Dianne Dempsey of The Age has reviewed Dear Gabriel: Letter to An Autistic Son a book by Norwegian Publisher Halfdan W Freihow which is sure to receive angry reviews from members of the Neurodiversity club. The book is written as a letter to Freihow's autistic son and it breaks two of Neurodiversity's most sacrosanct taboos.

In the first instance, Freihow as the father of an autistic son and as a parent can not actually know anything about autism. Bettelheim's heirs in the Neurodiversity/"Autism" Rights movement do not believe that a parent should express independent opinions about their own child's autism.

Secondly, the book breaks Neurodiversity's ultimate commandment "thou shalt say nothing negative about autism":

His son, while blighted, is beautiful, his wife a saint but Freihow says there are terrible days when Gabriel cries and rages until they are all overwhelmed by exhaustion and despair and the whole house explodes. Freihow says that the only reason he and his wife are still together is because they spend so much time apart. It is not only Freihow's finely tuned sensibilities but the brutal honesty with which he writes that gives his book its strength and credibility.

If the book review is accurate then Freihow is following a path walked by the parents of the Autism Everyday Video, a path which saw those parents demonized by the "Autism Rights"/Neurodiversity ideologues for speaking honestly about their children, their autism disorders and autism's impact on a family.

I look forward to reading Dear Gabriel: Letter to An Autistic Son.

1 comment:

  1. Please help an autistic child who is being retained, and forced to repeat 4K, even though he passed, because his birthday falls 24 days late. That is the petition site to sign.
    If you have any questions, or want the full story, I am putting up a website hopefully this weekend
    Or call me,
    I'm the mother of the child this is being forced upon.
    Honestly, you're my greatest hope for help. Reaching out to people on the internet and getting support is our best chance to help my Beau, and prevent this atrocity from happening to other children, who will be equally devastated.
    Thank you for your time,
    Geneva Robinson
    Panama City and Chipley, Fl.
