Thursday, May 01, 2008

Autism, Conor and the Fredericton Flood 2008

Fredericton has been hit by some serious flooding. The pictures above are taken in Nashwaaksis, the area where we live in Fredericton. We have done fine. Lots of water coming into the basement but nothing we couldn't handle (so far) with buckets, a Shop Vac, a sump pump and some sleep deprivation. With a disrupted routine and lots of commotion, which are often difficult for children with Autism, we were concerned about how Conor would react. We needn't have worried. Dad has been home because of the flood and I have hung out with my buddy when possible. Which is lots of fun for me too. With everything under control with a new sump pump Dad and Conor went walking again to one of Conor's favorite spots, the Circle Place, as we call the Lawrence Amphitheatre. Today though we arrived to find the Circle Place almost flooded over. Conor surveyed the situation and decided to have fun anyway!


  1. Anonymous7:29 am

    Hi Harold,

    Go to my facebook and you'll see pict's of things down our way.
    Justin is doing fine, was initially upset with all the water but then realized he can scooter around and shot golf balls 'in the lake' aka our gardens
    Water is down this morning with plenty of clean-up in the future


  2. Hi Dawn

    Glad to hear Justin is having some fun.

