Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Autism and Affection - Conor Waits Anxiously For Dad

Last evening I got home late after finishing work at 8 pm local time. When I pulled in the driveway I could see Conor though the window in our side door .... waiting anxiously for Dad. His mom said he had been asking for me since 5:30 pm and had gotten a bit upset, asking for me almost non stop, with some wall banging. He was happy to see Dad and insisted (Daddy help) that I help put him to bed.

Obviously I wish Conor had not gotten upset but at the same time I would be lying if his expressed desire to see his old Dad at the end of the day did not lift my spirits considerably. Although I have trouble with the concept of finding joy in autism, I have no trouble accepting Conor for who he is, a fun loving, caring boy who loves his mom, dad, brother, Nanny, Grammy, Grampy and whoever shares his life with him in a caring way. That is who Conor is ... with or without autism.

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