Sunday, December 02, 2007

Tony Clement's Invisible Autism Symposium

Health Minister Tony Clement

Canada, courtesy of the federal government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Health Minister Tony Clement, has offered one of the weakest responses by any national government to the world autism crisis. To date it consists of a mediocre autism web site and an invisible national autism research symposium held on November 8 and 9 2007.

The delegates to this invisible symposium were hand picked to ensure compliance with the Harper-Clement agenda, the symposium was structured to ensure that serious debate would be avoided and ... absolutely no information has been released about the results of this secretive, elitist symposium of the compliant. Parents by law, necessity, and commonly accepted morality speak for their autistic children but they, and thereby their children, were not invited to Tony Clement's Invisible Autism Symposium. And so far, we have no idea what the Harper-Clement Autism Delegates discussed at the Invisible Autism Symposium held November 8 and 9 in Toronto.

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