Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Autism and Canada's Jurisdictional Shell Game

In Autism fight gaining momentum Susan Sherring of Sun Media interviews Senator Jim Munson and Autism Dad Andrew Kavchak and describes their efforts in fighting for a National Autism Strategy in Canada. The article also describes the Stephen Harper-Tony Clement non response to the Senate Committee autism report Pay Now Or Pay Letter. As stated by Senator Munson:

“As a nation, we have to take a look at all of this. We have an obligation as a society. For families with an autistic child, this is extremely expensive. You’ve got families breaking up, mortgaging their homes. I’m tired of the jurisdictional shell game,” he said.

“The bottom line is we have to put it all on the table. If we don’t, how are we ever going to have a national program? People are scrambling to get treatments for their sons and daughters.”

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