Monday, October 22, 2007

Neurodiversity Bloggers Still Buzzing Over Jenny

In Jenny McCarthy Knocks Over Neurodiversity Hornet's Nest I commented on the intense reaction by Neurodiversity bloggers to Jenny McCarthy's autism advocacy, advocacy prompted by her own child's autism and her efforts to treat or cure her child of that autism. Although I do not share her views about autism treatments I am amazed at the ferocious reaction her comments have generated amongst Neurodiversity bloggers. Autism Vox and Orac are two Neurodiversity bloggers who just can't seem to get her out of their minds with each posting yet again about this well known autism mother who has dared to speak publicly about autism without reading from the NeuroDiversity Manual.


  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    Orac is a science-based/skeptical blogger who is only tangentially connected to the autism community. Autism is just one of the topics he writes about on occasion. Even though neurodiversity is not an organization or anything like that, in this case I'm pretty sure it's not appropriate to say Orac is one of the "neurodiverse."

  2. Your opinion is noted.

  3. Anonymous5:29 am

    hi..glad to see u. I've got something from your own blog post.that's good for me.. a newbie and need more interaction with others.If you're not mind, feel happy to visit my blog..

    what do you think about my post? do you have any idea...

    thanks a lot :-)

  4. I admit I cannot understand your positive attitude towards Jenny McCarthy. You have worked very hard for years to help Conor improve his communicational, motor and cognitive skills, with limited success. And here comes a mother who has been lucky to have her child mildly affected and fast improving as he grows. Knowing very well that current science considers autism incurable, she brags all around the public space about her "journey to healing" her son. She gives advice to other parents to "find the hole in the autism shell and to bring the child out through this hole", which IMHO strongly implies that it is your fault if you cannot find the hole. It seems to me that if I were you, Ms. McCarthy's campaign would offend me even more than Estee Klar's blog title "Joy of Autism".

  5. Anonymous1:03 pm

    The reason Jenny McCarthy does not offend Harold is obviously that she's somehow anti-neurodiversity, an obsession of Harold's.

  6. joseph

    That was so weak it was funny. Thanks for the laugh.

  7. maya m

    I do not agree with Ms. McCarthy's views. I support her right as a parent to speak out about her child's autism and what she feels has worked.

    I also recognize the possibility that there may someday be scientific evidence to support her views, even if it does not now exist.
