Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blog Action Day, Autism and the Environment

Parents of autistic children have to plan for their children's futures, like other parents, but with the certain knowledge, in some cases, that their children will not be living independent lives, that they will require the assistance of others, whether in group homes or more institutional settings. We should also be concerned on a more global scale about what kind of environment our children will be living in after we are gone. October 15 is Blog Action Day and the subject is the environment. I urge all Autism bloggers to participate in Blog Action day this October 15. Please go to blogactionday.org for more information. Commit your blog to Blog Action Day by registering at blogactionday.org/commit.

Harold Doherty
Fredericton, NB, Canada


All Blogs Invited to Take Part in Joining Voices to Help Environment

An international initiative of bloggers known as "Blog Action Day" launched today, with the aim of uniting thousands of blogging voices, talking about one issue for one day. This year on Blog Action Day, which is slated for Oct. 15, 2007, bloggers will be discussing the environment.

Major blogs have signed up to participate, including Lifehacker, Dumb Little Man, Lifehack.org, Get Rich Slowly, Web Worker Daily, GigaOm, The Simple Dollar, Zen Habits, Freelance Switch, LifeClever, Unclutterer, Pronet Advertising, Wise Bread and many more.

"For just one day, we'd like to unite as many of the millions of bloggers around the world and speak about one issue - the environment," said Collis Ta'eed, an Australian blogger from
FreelanceSwitch.com, and a cofounder of Blog Action Day. "We want to display the potential and the power of the blogging community, which is a disparate community but one with an amazing size, breadth and diversity. By bringing everyone together for one day, we can see just how much can be achieved, and how much we can be heard."

Blog Action Day is a non-profit initiative, and will be an annual event. As an alternative to blogging about the environment on Blog Action Day, bloggers can opt to participate by donating their blog's proceeds from Oct. 15 to one of several environmental organizations chosen for this purpose: Greenpeace International, The Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), the Conservation Fund, and the Sierra Club.

Bloggers who would like to participate in Blog Action Day should visit BlogActionDay.org or email Collis Ta'eed at collis@eden.cc, so they can be listed on the Blog Action Day site. To participate, a blog just needs to write about the issue of the environment on Oct. 15, 2007, or donate its proceeds for the day to one of the chosen environmental organizations.


  1. Anonymous12:15 pm

    I am currently running a month-long blogging campaign on environment-related matters, which had begun on Sept 15th, and will conclude on Oct 15th in conjunction with Blog Action Day. And I'd like to invite you over to my blog to participate in the campaign. Perhaps you have some tips or experience you'd like to share?

  2. This is a great idea, and we look forward to posting on 10/15.

  3. Anonymous9:46 am

    Merci ! Venez dés à présent vous inscrire à la MAP'MONDE !


  4. Hi there!
    Happy blog action day.
    My own post includes a review of the 11th Hour which I was invited to see here in Hollywood recently.

  5. Thank you for participating in Blog Action Day.

    I did not participate.

    However, I did write a belated post about an environmental issue that is important to me. I see a lot of people using a product in luxury homes that is very destructive in a number of ways. Check out this post, please:



    If this url was too long and got broken in the comment form, you can find it easily at:

    Your blog seemed like the right place for sharing this post.

    Whatever you can do to share this link or help promote awareness of this issue will be greatly appreciated. Normally, I don't ask for this kind of help, but the issue is that important to me. Most luxury home owners are unaware of the environmental and human cost of these products.

    Thank you!
