Sunday, October 21, 2007

Autism Quote of The Decade - ABA Is the Treatment of Choice

there is no question that ABA is the treatment of choice for children presenting with autistic disorder based on over 35 years of research in the field.

- Frank M. Gresham Ph.D., as quoted by Justice Allan in
Auton et al. v. AGBC 2000 BCSC 1142 para. 52

Frank M. Gresham was a Professor and Director of the School Psychology Program in the School of Education at U.C.L.A. He was retained by the British Columbia government in their efforts to oppose medicare coverage of ABA intervention for autism by providing expert opinion evidence regarding the Lovaas studies of which he has been a long time critic.

Despite his criticisms of the Lovaas studies, and despite his status as a paid expert witness for the government opposing ABA medicare coverage for autistic children, Dr. Gresham, to his credit, acknowledged ABA as the treatment of choice for autism.

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