Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Autism Gold Standard Intervention - Nova Scotia ABA/IEBI Autism Program Produces Positive Reslts

This has not been a good week for those who insist that there is no consensus on a gold standard intervention for autistic children. The AAP description of ABA as an intervention with more than 5 decades of studies providing positive results for autistic children is followed by the results from a Nova Scotia IEBI/ABA study showing positive results. It's enough to give anti-ABA crusaders a real headache.

Autism Treatment Program Getting Positive Results

Department of Health

October 30, 2007 12:00
A program designed to enhance social and communication skills for young children with autism spectrum disorder is providing added benefits to their families.

The interim results of an independent program evaluation conducted by IWK Health Centre Research Services and Dalhousie University indicates that after one year of Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI)treatment, virtually all 27 children in the first phase of the program had significantly improved communication skills. According to tests and parental feedback, they also had improved problem-solving skills and reduced behavioural problems.


Many of the children were about a year and a half behind in language-development skills when they began EIBI treatment. On average, children gained more than a year's worth of language skills in the first 12 months of treatment.

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