Friday, September 28, 2007

Conor Tracks

I have mentioned before that my son Conor, now 11 1/2, with Autism Disorder and profound developmental delays, is a great joy in my life. His autism presents serious challenges and precludes him from having an independent life. Despite the many challenges though, Conor adds much to my life.

When I see him at the end of the work day, face pressed against the window waiting for Dad, or when he walks into a room, I get a "Happy Buzz". I feel better, my spirits are lifted. Sometimes I get a Conor Happy Buzz even when I don't see him.

Last night, after Conor was asleep in his room, and during a commercial break from the season premiere of "My Name Is Earl" I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and spotted something on the kitchen floor. The ABC 's are Conor Tracks, signs that he had been there. And once again I got a Conor Happy Buzz.

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