Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Autism Tsunami - Report of the California Legislative Blue Ribbon Commission on Autism

"Throughout the state there is an intense need to plan for and address the impending housing, transportation, employment and educational needs of the "tsunami" of young people with ASD who will soon transition into a community setting"

-Report of the California Legislative Blue Ribbon Commission on Autism

The Report of the California Legislative Blue Ribbon Commission on Autism urges California policy makers to make Autism Spectrum Disorders a public policy priority and makes recommendations across the life span. While early intervention and education have been highlighted in various public agency reports in North America in recent years this report also highlights the need for employment and housing strategies. It even delves into judicial treatment of autistic behavior which is sometimes marked by aggressiveness.

The authors of this report undoubtedly knew that use of the word "tsunami" would in itself provoke an intense reaction in autism and policy circles. That they chose to do so illustrates the seriousness with which they view the autism crisis in California. The report will undoubtedly be devoured by policy makers across the world in the coming days. California, once again, leads the way in facing up to autism issues.

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