Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ontario Autism Coalition Event Notice

Ontario Autism Coalition
Event Notice

August 22, 2007

The Ontario Autism Coalition is pleased to invite you to the following events as part of our ongoing campaign to raise awareness of Autism Issues.


Actions Speak Louder than Announcements

Who: Michael Bryant, Attorney General for Ontario
What: Mr. Bryant’s community BBQ
When: Sunday, August 26, 2007 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Wells Hill Park (near the St. Clair West subway station on the south side of St. Clair, one block east of Bathurst)
Why: The Attorney General for the Ontario Liberal Government, Michael Bryant, has spent, and continues to spend millions of taxpayer dollars fighting families of children with autism in the courts while children with autism sit on lengthy waitlists for service. Not only do families of children with autism go into financial hardship paying for services, families are now burdened with additional unnecessary court costs.

The Ontario Autism Coalition (OAC) will be making an appearance at Mr. Bryant’s community BBQ to bring the autism crisis to the attention of Mr. Bryant and his government. The OAC will be joined by members of Toronto Action for Social Change (TASC), a non-violent social justice action group whose members have long sought significant changes in social policies that punish the most vulnerable members of Ontario's society. The OAC invites parents, family members and interested individuals to join them in this worthwhile event.

This event is a preview of what Liberal MPP's can expect as part of an Ontario-wide Day of Action for Autism on Saturday, September 15, 2007.

Contact Laura Kirby-McIntosh, Executive Member of the OAC if you would like additional information on either event.

(cell) 416-315-7939
(home) 905-761-5226

Please feel free to bring your own home made signs, banners, and pictures of your loved ones with autism. This is a child-friendly event, however be advised that the park is close to a busy intersection.


Autism Day of Action

The Ontario Autism Coalition (OAC) is declaring Saturday, September 15th 2007 as a Day of Action for Autism and is inviting you to join us at one of the several elected MPP riding offices in Ottawa, North Toronto, Toronto, Windsor, Essex, and Sarnia where events will be taking place throughout the day to bring awareness to the autism crisis in Ontario.

The OAC is asking for a commitment from all political parties on the following:

1) Allow IBI instructor therapists currently working within the Autism Intervention Program entry into the school system so that scientifically valid, supervised ABA can be implemented. Children receiving intensive ABA through the Autism Intervention Program and students attending school should receive the same quality of ABA services.

2) Eliminate the waitlist in the Autism Intervention Program and fully fund services for all children with Autism - from the mild to severe end of the Autism Spectrum.

3) Develop a formal credentialing system and a proper training and recruitment system for the implementation of ABA to ensure accountability and capacity within the system.

Let's believe that together we can make the necessary change for appropriate publicly funded autism programs and services in Ontario. Please join us at one of the following locations:

Ottawa: Premier Dalton McGuinty's office

1795 Kilborn Ave
Ottawa ON K1H 6N1
Tel :613-736-9573
Fax :613-736-7374

North Toronto: Greg Sorbara's office (Minister of Finance)

Unit AU8- 140 Woodbridge Ave
Woodbridge ON L4L 4K9
Tel :905-851-0440
Fax :905-851-0210

Toronto: Kathleen Wynee's office (Minister of Education)

146 Laird Dr, Suite 101
Toronto ON M4G 3V7
Tel :416-425-6777
Fax :416-425-0350

Windsor: Sandra Pupatello's office (Min. of Economic Development and Trade)

1483 Ouellette Ave
Windsor ON N8X 1K1
Tel : 519-977-7191
Fax :519-977-7029

Essex: Bruce Crozier (Deputy Speaker)

78 Talbot St N
Essex ON N8M 1A2
Tel :519-776-6420
Fax :519-776-5763

Sarnia: Caroline DiCocco (Minister of Culture)

4th Floor - 201 Front St. North
Sarnia ON N7T 7T9
Tel :519-337-0051
Fax :519-337-3246

Please visit our website,, if you would like to contact an OAC Executive Member for more information.

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