Tuesday, May 22, 2007

No Autism Just Fredericton In May

It was a beautiful May day in Fredericton. A perfect day to do a bridge walk, from Westorland Street Bridge, along the Saint John River, across the pedestrian bridge, (former train bridge) through the down town, across the Westmorland Street Bridge and home to Nashwaaksis on the North side of Fredericton. But who let that Blogger into the picture?


  1. Anonymous10:23 pm

    heh... if you can pop over to Halifax you might be able to hook up with Jean and Roxanne...

    News Release
    May 22, 2007

    “FEAT BC goes coastal” tour to Halifax

    Vancouver, B.C. – Jean Lewis, founding director of FEAT-BC (Families
    for Early Autism Treatment of BC) today announced that she and other
    representatives of FEAT-BC will be travelling to Halifax on Saturday,
    May 26th for a gathering of parents of autistic children and their
    supporters from across the Maritimes.

    “One purpose of this event is to recognize the leadership of MPs Shawn
    Murphy, Andy Scott, and Peter Stoffer, as well as that of Senator Jim
    Munson, in the fight to get Medicare coverage for autism now,” said
    Lewis. “These men have distinguished themselves among Canadian
    parliamentarians with their dedication to curtailing this emerging
    health care crisis. Parents of autistic children and supporters look
    forward to thanking them personally.”

    The principal purpose of the gathering is to organize a team of FEAT
    activists for deployment during the upcoming federal election in
    select constituencies across the Maritimes.

    On the way to Halifax, stops are planned in Ottawa and Toronto for
    meetings with Ontario-based parent activists.

    At 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 24th, a news conference will be held in
    the Charles Lynch Press Room on Parliament Hill.

    FEAT-BC (Families for Early Autism Treatment of BC) is a
    not-for-profit volunteer organization of parents and professionals
    working towards universal access to effective, science-based treatment
    for all Canadians diagnosed with autism in Canada.

  2. There you go!!!! Pictures!!!!

    I hope you more of them during the summer months!!!!

    Makes it a much more interesting blog!!!

    Good work!!!

  3. Anonymous10:23 pm


    My name is Vicky Chester, I am a professor and researcher at UNB.
    We are currently conducting a study on walking patterns in children with autism.
    We use high-tech motion capture systems to track the body movement in our lab.
    Are you aware of any parents and children that would like to participate?
    The analysis would normally cost $2000 and is conducted for free as part of our study.
    Information can then be provided to clinicians for any treatment planning.

    Vicky Chester (vchester@unb.ca)
    Phone 458-7589
