Monday, May 28, 2007

AutismRealityNB Stanley Cup Prediction - Ottawa Wins Stanley Cup 4 Games to 2

You heard it here folks. Ottawa Senators will win the Stanley Cup 4 games to 2 over the Anaheim Ducks. Sorry to break the news to Anaheim Ducks fans.


  1. Anonymous9:56 pm

    Even though I lived in Ottawa for almost a decade, I have to go with the Ducks as the Sens won't be able to match their toughness in a long series. Ducks in 6.

    Here are my previous predictions.

  2. That first game loss by the Sens looks like a setback now but a split in Anaheim will leave the Sens looking good to take this in 6. :-)

  3. Well things are going according to plan with Anaheim taking the first 2 games, Ottawa is now set to win this 4 games to 2 as I predicted. :-)

  4. After Saturday night's big win for the Sens, should be a dandy tonight.

  5. Uh .... guess I was wrong on that one.
