Friday, May 18, 2007

Autism Supporter & Election Candidate - Stewart C. Paul (L) Tobique-Mactaquac

The current Conservative government of Stephen Harper, backed by the separatist Bloc Quebecois, voted down the Shawn Murphy motion to amend the Canada Health Act to ensure that autistic children, regardless of where they happened to live in Canada would receive government funded proven effective ABA treatment for their autism. The budget brought down by the Harper government gave $0 ZERO dollars for autism. Conservative MP's across Canada have marched in lockstep uniformity to deny federal government assistance for autism even elminating funds for a well respected autism summer camp in Ontario. The next election will be critical for the success of efforts to put in place a serious national autism strategy in Canada and it is important to identify and support candidates who are prepared to support a national autism strategy. One such candidate is Stewart C. Paul the Liberal candidate for Tobique-Mactaquac here in New Brunswick.

Stewart is a long time friend, and professional associate, who has been very supportive of my efforts on behalf of my son Conor and of the cause of autism generally. He has pledged to support a national autism strategy if elected and he has the background to know how to offer effective support on the national scene. Stewart Paul is the Liberal candidate for Tobique-Mactaquac and a supporter of the cause of autistic persons on the national scene in Ottawa. If you live in the Tobique-Mactaquac area and have an autistic child or know someone who is autistic or if you are yourself autistic remember Stewart Paul when you cast your ballot in the next federal election.

Born and raised in the riding of Tobique – Mactaquac, in Tobique First Nation, Stewart Paul graduated from Perth High School, where he was active in student life and served as President of the Student Council.

As a young person, he was moved by the difficult social conditions and economic disparities evident in his home community, and developed an early interest in issues related to social justice, economic development, and education.

He attended the University of New Brunswick, where he took an undergraduate degree in arts (majoring in history and sociology), then a law degree. In addition to his BA and LLB degrees, he earned a Diploma in Social Leadership from the Coady Institute at St. Francis Xavier University. He is a 25-year member of the Canadian Bar Association and the Law Society of New Brunswick.

His first jobs were as an education consultant with the NB Department of Education in Fredericton, and as a Policy Analyst with the Assembly of First Nations in Ottawa. In the early 1980's, he co-founded the Mi’kmaq-Maliseet Institute in the Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick, a respected organization dedicated to the training and professional development of Native educators. He practiced law for several years in Fredericton before returning home in the late 1980's to enter political life. He served several terms as Chief of the Tobique First Nation during which time much about the community was transformed. He maintained a private law practice in Perth-Andover throughout this time and to the present day.He also presently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Peace Hills Trust, a national financial institution. He has been married for 40 years. He and his wife, Sandra, have four children and nine grandchildren.

He brings experience to the table that spans job creation, education, health, natural resources, business development, and community infrastructure. He has strong skills related to leadership, management, and government administration. He has worked in regional and national policy development, and has experience with complex legal and financial negotiations. He is also familiar with Ottawa and the provincial government.

As a lifelong resident of Tobique-Mactaquac, he is committed to the entire region. He has been an active member of the Liberal party in this region for nearly 20 years, and he understands the challenges facing the region, and the aspirations of its people. He has much to offer, and would be a strong representative of the people in Ottawa. He is a seasoned political leader, a strong campaigner, and a hard worker.

He was nominated as the Liberal candidate for the Electoral District of Tobique – Mactaquac on April 28, 2007.

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