Saturday, April 14, 2007

Globe & Mail Review of Goody Bledsoe by Heather Doherty

Today was a day of excitement in the Doherty household as the Globe and Mail published its Spring Fiction Books issue and included for review Goody Bledsoe by Heather Doherty, mother of two fine boys, including a fellow named Conor who appears from time to time on this autism blog site. New Brunswick government officials who have been involved on the other end of my autism advocacy efforts over the past 8 years have been rumored to refer to me be a variety of names. Now, I guess I will simply be known as Heather Doherty's Husband.

Some comments from the Globe & Mail review of Goody Bledsoe:

Goody Bledsoe and her little brother have been on her aunt and uncle's New Brunswick farm just three days. In the face of Aunt Jackie's drill-sergeant authority, it's the pigs and Uncle Nathan who offer the warmer glimpse of a world that might be called home. By this point (20 pages in), there has already been ample cause for tears, none of them quite spilling.

The emotional control of Goody and her terminally ill mother is also their author's containment. Sadness brims, but is held in check by Doherty's ironies. I was hooked.

JIM BARTLEY, Globe and Mail, April 14, 2007

For anyone in the Fredericton area Heather will also be reading from Goody Bledsoe at the Nashwaaksis Public Libarary on April 19, 2007 beginning at 7 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Heather on receiving such very deserving recognition.
