Thursday, April 19, 2007

Federal Government Pays for Harper's Personal Primper but Provides Nothing for Autism

In the budget of Prime Minister Harper's federal government there were no monies set aside this year for autism. 1 in 150 Canadians ( approximately 1 in 98 male Canadians) have an autism disorder, a serious neurological disorder which has resulted in Canadians moving to the wealthiest Canadian province of Alberta in order to seek government funded treatment for their autistic children. Although Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government has dedicated nothing to helping autistic children and adults in Canada, not one single penny, it does find money to spend on Mr Harper's fashion "primper":

Apr 18, 2007 07:50 PM
Jennifer Ditchburn
Canadian press

OTTAWA – It turns out that taxpayers are picking up the tab for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's personal primper.

After two days of ducking media and opposition questions, the Conservatives finally revealed Wednesday that Michelle Muntean is on Harper's government staff.

But the revelation raises two more big questions: How much is she being paid? And why is there no government record of her employment.

Harper has been travelling with his personal image adviser for major domestic and international events – most recently at ceremonies at Vimy Ridge in France last week. Muntean helps him perfect his look, including managing his wardrobe and general grooming.

News that Harper uses a style maven had the opposition both frothing and laughing.

"Does the prime minister have difficulty sleeping at night wondering whether he should wear the light blue socks or the dark blue ones?" New Democrat MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis asked in the House of Commons, to loud hoots and claps.

"Can the prime minister tell us who pays for his fashion adviser, and how much that costs?"

Liberal MP Garth Turner also took a shot at his former boss: ``It's a legitimate question. I think it's an embarrassing one to him because he likes the cowboy image and not all cowboys wear powder."

Government House Leader Peter Van Loan wouldn't say who pays for Muntean's services.

"Mr. Speaker, the prime minister maintains a tour staff, as do all prime ministers," Van Loan told the Commons.

But a government source later confirmed that taxpayers are on the hook for Muntean's services – although the Conservative party pays her expenses.


  1. Anonymous6:46 am

    Liberals stole millions and the NDP abuse human rights and - you're concerned that Mr. Harper has an image consultant? Lost souls...

  2. Thank you for your comment Mr. Muntean.

    Are you any relation to Michelle Muntean, the image consultant, retained by the federal government to primp Mr. Harper?
