Sunday, March 04, 2007

Can Human Rights Tribunal to Hear Autism Disability Complaint

Barring a last minute settlement the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal will begin hearings tomorrow in the case of a disability complaint brought against Canada Post Corporation by former post office employee Michelle Dawson. Whether or not Ms. Dawson is successful in the outcome of her complaint the case could establish autism as a disability for employment purposes under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Ms. Dawson must establish that her autism condition is a disability and that Canada Post in someway, intentionally or otherwise, discriminated against her on the basis of her disability. If she is successful in making those points then Canada Post will be required to demonstrate that it fulfilled its duty to accommodate the complainant's disability to the point of undue hardship on the Corporation.

The hearing schedule for this case, as published on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal web site, is:

Mar. 5, 7-9
Montreal Dawson v. Canada Post Corporation Disability

Mar. 12, 14-16
Montreal Dawson v. Canada Post Corporation Disability

Mar. 22-23
Montreal Dawson v. Canada Post Corporation Disability


  1. Wouldn't the fact that she can work as some sort of research assistant nullify her complaint? I worked for the Post Office for a short time, it's a lousy job. Most people just quit who don't like it.
    Just like any other job, they get rid of troublemakers. I'm betting it gets thrown out quickly. Will they lock her up for filing a frivolous lawsuit?

  2. Under the Canadian Human Rights Act a complaint is filed initially with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The Commission's staff and legal counsel are involved and offer their positions before it gets to a Tribunal hearing stage.

    It is unlikely that the complaint is frivolous.
