Friday, February 09, 2007

Thank You Minister Lamrock

Honourable Kelly Lamrock
Minister of Education

Dear Honourable Minister

I wish to thank you for confirming your government's commitment to provide UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training for 100 Teacher's Aides and Resource Teachers per year over the next four years. I also appreciate the professionalism you displayed in clearing up the confusion which had arisen in this matter.

The Autism Society New Brunswick receives calls from parents of autistic children from Saint John to Fredericton to Edumundston and all points in between about the need for autism trained TA's and Resource Teachers to work with their autistic school children. Unfortunately, the current lack of autism trained personnel still results in New Brunswick students with autism being sent home as unmanageable, in one reported instance in handcuffs. Your government's commitment is a huge step forward in ensuring that autistic children will receive a real education.

I thank you, Premier Graham and your government for this contribution to the education and well being of New Brunswick school children with autism.


Harold Doherty


  1. Anonymous8:37 am

    I thank them as well. This is a good day for autism in New Brunswick.


  2. New Brunswick should be proud. In Ontario, there's still a one size fits all approach to the classroom. If your child doesn't fit, they go home.

  3. We still have many problems in NB Heather but we are making progress. With properly trained autism support workers many NB students with autism will have the opportunity to learn. Education Minister Lamrock's announcement is really a huge step forward.
