Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Autism Effect in Canadian Federal Election 07?

Will autism issues enter into the Canadian federal election widely expected to be called very soon? 1 in 150 does not sound like much when a governing party has to obtain something in the neighborhood of 40% of the vote to form the government. But how many family members and friends do each of those 1 in 150 have? Across the country the "autism vote", if one exists, would still be pretty minor but how about in hotly contested ridings where a percentage vote or two could make a difference? It might be worthwhile for autism advocates to take a close look at some at ridings expected to be close and let the party organizations in those ridings know that there party policies and actions (or inaction) on autism issues will be examined closely. We might start by looking at the vote expected tomorrow February 21 on Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy's private member's motion to amend the Canada Health Act to include incentives for provinces to provide funded treatment for autism.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 pm

    So it seems like the motion was defeated:. Mr. Mike Lake gives a pretty swift criticism of the bill. My concern is mostly about what an election in 2007 can accomplish. I'd really like to wait at least two years till we're dropping off our ballots again. I set up this tool here to try to mobilize Canadians. You can add campaigns on autism there too.
