Thursday, January 18, 2007

Goody Bledsoe Signing By Heather Doherty

Conor's mom, Heather Doherty, signing and reading from Goody Bledsoe at Westminster Books in Fredericton January 18 2007.


  1. Bigger picture or book details for those with bifocals please?

  2. Anonymous1:49 am

    Looks like a very interesting novel!

    I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. I can't say you can talk me into staying though ;) But thanks to people like you my blogging experience was a great one.

  3. McEwen

    Thanks for your interest in Goody Bledsoe. You can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them. As for a description I would not want to give away any plot turns so I will give you the description used by the publisher Oberon Press:

    "Goody Bledsoe is the story of a young girl who is sent as an orphan to live with her aunt and uncle on a farm in rural New Brunswick. Heather Doherty says of it: “This is a story of survival, of choosing to survive in spite of the darkness, in order to find the light that lies beyond.” In another mood she says: “Goody Bledsoe is a novel of daring, daring to see what lies within, even when that knowledge hurts like hell.”

    This is what David Adams Richards has to say about the book: “Heather Doherty has written an exceptionally moving and brilliant first novel, a startlingly permanent novel that must be read.” Heather Doherty was born in 1964 and grew up in New Brunswick, where she still lives with her husband and two sons. As this is written she’s working in the local library and writing her second novel"

  4. You contributed a lot to public discussion in New Brunswick Harrap. In my humble opinion you helped raise the level of public discourse on New Brunswick's blogosphere.

    Harold Doherty
