Monday, December 04, 2006

M-172 Autism Motion Vote Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day. The vote on Andy Scott' private member's motion (seconded by Peter Stoffer) will take place in the House of Commons. With the Conservatives amendment to the motion it is now expected to pass. The motion, although not binding on government, will be a good tool to use in persuading governments provincial as well as the federal government, to come together and work on help autistic children and adults regardless of where they live in Canada. The Autism Society New Brunswick has been a strong supporter of the motion and will no doubt be applauding its successful passage tomorrow.

The inset phto is a picture of Leo Hayes High School in Fredericton where Greg Peter's political science classes of the past two years have worked hard with Andy Scott on developing the wording for the motion, educating and lobbying political decision makers. The picture is taken from the LHHS site which can be found at:

I am sure there will be much clapping at Leo Hayes HS tomorrow after the vote. Personally I will also be clapping for these fine young people who have done so much for the autism community in Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:04 am

    When this motion passes today, I will also be applauding not only the great MP's that helped us, but also those students at Leo Hayes High School for their hard work as well.
    This will be a great day for autism in Canada!

