Thursday, November 30, 2006

Shawn Murphy Motion - Amend Canada Health Act to Cover Autism Treatment

The autism community in Canada has a new hero - Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy has a private member's bill before Parliament seeking to amend the National Health Act to provide coverage for autism treatment regardless of where one resides in Canada. Many in the autism community have sought exactly this relief but whether it can survive opposition from the Bloc and the Progressive Conservative Party is the question. Even the very carefully crafted and amended National Autism Strategy motion put forward by MP Andy Scott, seconded by MP Peter Stoffer, met with Bloc resistance in the debates on that motion. And the Conservative government has previously indicated its opposition to what it considers intrusion on provincial jurisdiction. The Murphy motion though is exactly what real leaders in the autism community have fought for over the past several years. Whatever happens with Mr. Murphy's motion it is encouraging to see champions speaking out in the House of Commons on behalf of autistic persons.

Charlottetown MP calls for national autism strategy

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 | 3:26 PM ET

Recent federal initiatives to help people cope with autism don't go far enough, says a Charlottetown MP behind a private member's bill that calls for a national strategy on the neurological disorder.

'A little bit for research, a little bit on surveillance, but nothing else.'— MP Shawn Murphy

The Nov. 21 announcement by federal Health Minister Tony Clement provided $800,000 for research and education, including a new research chair, an autism symposium and an autism page on the Health Canada website.

But Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy, a Liberal, said the federal Tories need to do more to provide more equal levels of care across the country.

Shawn Murphy says the government's program is 'very limited.'Shawn Murphy says the government's program is 'very limited.'

Murphy has a private member's bill that will be debated next week in the House of Commons that calls for a national autism strategy with health care coverage for autism treatment and therapies.

"There has to be a national strategy," said Murphy.

"Right now we have tremendous differences between what is offered in British Columbia, what is offered in Alberta and Ontario and what is offered in some of the Atlantic regions."

Murphy said there shouldn't be that kind of variation to treat a common neurological disorder. In fact, autism rates are on the rise in Canada, affecting an estimated 150,000 children.

"It's mind-boggling, the difference. This is a health issue. It's not a social services issue. It's a health issue. And it should be treated as such under the Canada Health Act."

Autism activists were unimpressed with the initiatives announced by Clement, saying there are lots of good internet resources on autism. They said more money is needed for therapies already known to be effective.

"It's a very limited announcement. A little bit for research, a little bit on surveillance, but nothing else," said Murphy.

Autism therapy can cost $60,000 a year, but activists argue that is infinitely less than the cost of leaving people untreated, which can lead to institutionalization for the autistic person and cause families to break apart under the stress of raising an autistic child.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know a lot about New Brunswick but, here in Ontario, I feel the government has been using a divide and conquer approach to dealing with parents. I have a 20 year old daughter and there are no services for adults here. I'm told the reason is; there's only so much money and it's needed for the children that still have hope. The government is using the fear parent's
    of young children have to divide our community. If we unite as parents, then provinces and stand together as a country, we will be unstoppable.
