Thursday, October 26, 2006

M-172 - National Autism Strategy Motion Oct 27 - 1 PM


October 26, 2006

The Liberal MP for the Fredericton riding, Honourable Andy Scott will be presenting his Private Member's Motion tomorrow (Friday October 27th) in the House of Commons calling on the Government of Canada to create a national autism strategy.

The purpose of this motion is to call on the Minister of Health and this government to collaborate with provincial and territorial Ministers of Health to create a national strategy ensuring that persons with autism spectrum disorders will receive treatment and therapy for their condition and the associated costs will be covered by the health care insurance plan of every province.

The motion was a collaborative effort with people with autism, autism advocates, researchers and other professionals - and the Grade 12 political science class of Mr. Greg Peters at Leo Hayes High School in Fredericton who also brought in many authorities to discuss the issue and develop this motion.

The first hour of debate will take place Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. Atlantic.

For the purposes of media, a number of Leo Hayes classes will be watching the debate live at their school and Mr. Peters and his students will be available for comments. Mr. Peters can be reached at 1 (506) 457-6898 and

Attached below is the text of MP Andy Scott's motion:

M-172 May 15, 2006 Mr. Scott (Fredericton) That, in the opinion of the House, the government should create a national strategy for autism spectrum disorder that would include: (a) the establishment, in cooperation with provincial governments, of national standards for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder and the delivery of related services; (b) the study, in cooperation with provincial governments, of the funding arrangements for the care of those with autism spectrum disorder, including the possibility of transferring federal funds to assist provincial governments to provide no-cost treatment, education, professional training and other required supports for Canadians with autism spectrum disorder without unreasonable wait times; (c) the creation of a national surveillance program for autism spectrum disorder to be managed by the Public Health Agency of Canada; and (d) the provision of funding for health research into treatments for autism spectrum disorder.

For further information media may contact:

Andrew Holland

Executive Assistant

Office of Hon. Andy Scott P.C.,M.P.


Tel. (506) 452-3516

Fax. (506) 452-4076


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