Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Congratulations Education Minister Lamrock

The following is an email which I have sent to the new Education Minister Kelly Lamrock:

"October 3, 2006

Honourable Kelly Lamrock
Minister of Education

Dear Minister Lamrock

Congratulations on being named Minister of Education in the new cabinet. Your appointment will undoubtedly be well received by parents and educators.

Now that you have had a couple of hours to get settled in I hope you do not think it too pushy if I remind you, as the parent of an autistic 10 year old boy, of Premier Graham's commitment to provide UNB-CEL Autism Intervention Training to Teachers' Assistants and Resource Teachers, for a total of 100 per year, for the next four years. The course will be commencing again on April 1, 2007 and this training is badly needed.


Harold L. Doherty "

1 comment:

  1. I really admired the Liberal campaign for taking that initiative on autism. The Liberals have a social conscience and care for the weak in our society. I'm confident they'll make good on that pledge.

    Ironic that the NDP, the party that's supposed to care for the weak, didn't say anything. As a matter of fact, wasn't it a BC NDP government that appealed the Auton decision to the Supreme Court?
