Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bill M-172 National Autism Strategy - Contact Your MP Now


Please contact your Member of Parliament right away

And encourage him or her to vote in support of

Andy Scott's private member motion M-172

Calling for a National Autism Strategy

Bill M-172 (National Autism Strategy)

M-172 --- May 15, 2006 --- Mr. Scott (Fredericton) --- That, in the
opinion of the House, the government should create a national strategy
for autism spectrum disorder that would include: (a) the establishment,
in cooperation with provincial governments, of national standards for
the treatment of autism spectrum disorder and the delivery of related
services; (b) the study, in cooperation with provincial governments, of
the funding arrangements for the care of those with autism spectrum
disorder, including the possibility of transferring federal funds to
assist provincial governments to provide no-cost treatment, education,
professional training and other required supports for Canadians with
autism spectrum disorder without unreasonable wait times; (c) the
creation of a national surveillance program for autism spectrum disorder
to be managed by the Public Health Agency of Canada; and (d) the
provision of funding for health research into treatments for autism
spectrum disorder.


Please contact your Member of Parliament right away

And encourage him or her to vote in support of

Andy Scott's private member motion M-172

Calling for a National Autism Strategy

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