Monday, September 11, 2006

Liberals Make Strong Commitment to Educating Autistic Children

Everyone wants their child to receive a good education and parents of autistic children are no different. For the most part autistic children have received only babysitting services instead of the quality learning education that all school children in New Brunswick have been promised. Now, things could change for the better. Shawn Graham's Liberal Party has made a very solid commitment to provide UNB-CEL autism training for 100 additional teaching assistants and Methods and Resource teachers each year for four years.

The UNB-CEL course was developed with input from the ASNB. Offered first at the pre-school level it gained national recognition and has helped supply the badly needed Autism Support Workers and Clinical Supervisors to work with pre-school autistic children. The course has been modified to provide training in the context of the school environment. This will allow hundreds of autistic school children to receive a real education. The Liberals have made a very solid commitment that will go along way towards helping autistic children live a fuller, richer life.

A big thank you to Shawn Graham and the Liberal Party for this strong commitment to educating autistic children.


  1. This might interest you if you haven't already come across it:

    Shirley Smallwood, an activist on autistic issues, is running in Moncton-Crescent for the Liberals -- she has a pretty good blog too: Shirley's Campaign Blog

  2. btw, if I haven't already said, great blog :) Wonderful to raise awareness of this issue in the blogosphere.

  3. Thanks Harrap, we have been using email and newsgroups for some time but it seemed like blogging might be a good way to open up our discussions more to the public.
