Saturday, September 09, 2006

Court Victory for Autistic School Children in BC?

After the Supreme Court of Canda decision in Auton and the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Wynberg it appeared as though Canadian courts had turned their backs on autistic children. There may have been a win since then in BC, according to a recent news report. I have not been able to track down the actual court decision yet to confirm but if correct this could be another step forward in ensuring that autistic children receive a real education.

CKNW Local News
Autism Court Victory
Sep, 07 2006 - 8:50 PM

VANCOUVER/ CKNW (AM980) - Parents of autistic children say they've won another court case.

Shirley Hewko sued the Abbotsford school district claiming it refused to provide an adequately trained assistant to help their son in class.

Spokesperson Jean Lewis says Darren Hewko hasn't gone to school now for three years.

"The judge...Madame Justice Marilyn Kennisburg ruled in favour of the family and found the school board in breach of their statutory duty."

Abbotsford school district superintendent Des Mackay says they've received no information on the decision yet. The district had offered a school aide to help Darren Hewko but his parents say an assistant with specialized training is needed.


  1. Let's hope this is a sign that the Canadian courts will turn around on this issue and that they wont follow the precedent set by Auton at the Supreme Court.

    Austic children must be provided the facilities for their growth and development.

  2. I hope so. I haven't found the actual court decision on line yet but I have contacted the BC radio station that reported the decision and left my email address so that the reporter who covered the proceeding can get back to me on it next week.
