Thursday, September 14, 2006

An Autism Election Request for Disaffected & Undecided Voters

I have a request for disaffected, or undecided, voters as they consider whether, or how, to vote on Monday. You may feel that your vote makes no difference or there is no reason to cast your vote for one party or another. You may just be having a hard time making up your mind and you may be searching for a good reason why you should vote one way or another. If this sounds like you then I ask you to consider supporting the cause of autistic schoolchildren by voting Liberal on Monday.

I make this request because I am the parent of two sons, one of whom is profoundly autistic and I am an autism advocate. I make this request because the Liberal party has made a firm commitment to providing autism training for Teachers' Assistants and Resource Teachers. The Liberal Party commitment is to provide the nationally recognized UNB-CEL autism training to 100 TA's and Resource Teachers each year for the next 4 years. With approximately 1000 autistic school children in NB schools this commitment would effectively give autistic schoolchildren a chance at a real education. Neither the Conservatives nor the NDP are making any such commitment.

I am not asking you to donate money or any substantial amount of your time. I am asking you, IF you have not already decided whether or how to vote, or if you see no good reason to vote one way or the other, to consider turning your vote into a real contribution to seriously challenged autistic schoolchildren in New Brunswick by voting Liberal on Monday. You can make a difference in their lives.

Harold L Doherty
Fredericton NB

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