Sunday, August 20, 2006

Autism Issues in NB Election 2006

Hello everyone with an interest in autism in New Brunswick and those who are just clicking on this blog out of curiousity. I thought that the NB election would be a good time to start this blog site dealing with autism issues in New Brunswick, Canada.

I ask that everyone feel free to comment frankly on issues effecting autism but try to do so with as much courtesy as possible. Please refrain completely from slanderous comments. Even though there is an election on :-)

Welcome everyone.

Harold Doherty


  1. Watch guys????? Bloggers will land you in jail!!!

    Bonne Chance!!!

  2. you need to open a flickr account to add pictures and I'm willing to help ya.......just send me an email.....

  3. Thanks Charles.


  4. I put your link...where's mine????

  5. Hello lisa r

    I hope you find some useful information on this site.

    Harold Doherty
